Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is Tomorrow a Real Bright Day???

Is tomorrow a real bright day? I wonder... ' Cause if it is then why is there so much threat? If you don't know Global Warming rate is gradually increasing, yah gradually, and it is a great threat to the perpetuation of life not only to the Kingdom Animalia but for the whole system itself. And we all know that we, as humans, are above the intelligence of those other living creatures; the power of reasoning it is, yah it is what made us distinct from the others but practically do we really posses this kind of intelligence? 'Cause if we do, we can't be abusive. Nah, I don't think so, let's just say that, yah we have this intelligence, and we're selfishly seeking for more than what is given and then the outcome? DESTRUCTION, curiosity is a sure nice way for attaining the truth, and then what? Abuse the truth? Haha, people, we are being the beloved daughters and sons of God... that He, if you didn't know had given up His own son to save us. Debt of gratitude? Sure it is large, it is not payable. But what do we do? Instead of treasuring this gifts that God gave us, we, His beloved children are destroying it. But for what? Haha, sure is an easy question. For what else? Nothing else but for power and wealth. Let's just say for example the increasing number of villages and subdivisions only around here in Cavite, they build and build, but do they ever fill the space up? No, because they are so many. And what do they sacrifice? The land, it is given by David Ricardo's Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns, it states nevertheless that if the population continues to expand man will cultivate even the idle lands to support their neccesities in life.
Burning the farm lands is ever famous in this selfish business, and what??? A new production of CO2 ( Carbon Dioxide), CO (Carbon Monoxide) and CH4 (Methane), they are just a few from a number of modern Greenhouse Gases. They may not destroy our Ozone Layer (O3) but they trap heat inside, so the heats are not reflected back into the space. Speaking about O3 do you know that the Chlorofluorocarbons(CFC's), Ozone Layer's mortal enemy, are already banned to developed countries, yah it's true they were banned since 1996, and for third world countries like ours, it'll be banned on 2016. Below is the picture of the hole (navy blue) on our Ozone Layer, and every year from August to December it is broken down. The said hole was found above Antartica on year 1985 by British Scientists Joseph Farman, Brian Gardiner, and Jonathan Shanklin. The image was taken on the year 2005 by the satellite Aura. Just come to think of it, this Ozone Layer protects us from too much UV Rays from the sun, and still with this Ozone Layer too much UV Rays exposure to our skin (most specially to the white people) may be a cause for skin cancer. What more shall the UV Rays bring to our life if this Ozone Layer is just a memory?
When shall all of us wake up to the truth? Are we bringing the "to see is to believe" motto in our life? Because if we do, then there is no more future for us, there's no life waiting for the next generations. Life is beautiful, they said and I believe it, but if this life full of destruction is beautiful already, what more shall a life of peace and conservation shall be???
HUMANS! Wake up, the fact is ours to see, the sin shall us to be burdened upon.

God BLeSs.

Image from